
CREATIVITY ( After Research)

I think that I can simplify the term: Creativity is connecting ideas.

I still agree with my statements in previous post. But, I should re-organize the part that mentions about stimulators of creativity. I will summarize it in three parts respectively: curiosity, motivation, trial/error. I think curiosity is the core element for creativity, that is also keeps creator motivated and motivate him/her to try.  In my view, this loops of feedbacks are essences of creativity.

There is one definition about creativity according to Mumford, that I have disagreed with it: Usefulness of the output. In other terms, industrialist perspective of creativity; efficiency of the product.

 Evolution of analog camera movement “lomography” is a good example in terms of its quality of usefulness. In Soviet Union era, some intelligence officers carry pocket cameras to take a picture of given assignment without being detected by enemy. So, no time to organize the composition carefully. Beginning with the discovery of a LOMO camera in 1992,  Lomography took that idea of random, irregular, mostly intstinctive organization of composition and added some photographic effects to the concept, such as over saturation, over exposure, optical distortions, etc. Today, lomography cameras are produced specifically to create these effects.  When you think of photo-camera’s design to capture a moment as sharp and realistic as possible, they are pretty much useless. So, there is a huge lomography community and mobile phone applications like instagram took that visual culture one step further to enable the photographer to use effects freely. In the end, that is fair to say, a couple of ideas got connected by creative individuals, and they created a part of our daily visual environment.